I read with great pleasure an article on The Verge, and since I’m getting serious about trying to keep this site updated daily, I had to come over and share my reaction. Today’s topic is what does marijuana do to your sex life?
As we see more legalization of marijuana across various States and even other countries, there continues to be an expansion of niches that boast the many benefits of marijuana. You’ve seen mainstream things that have science behind them, such as eye creams with CBD and of course, on a large scale, skin care products with CBD in general. Going far off the beaten path, we’re starting to see stuff like marijuana lube – yes – LUBE – litter the shelves of e-tailers making claims that weed enhances sex. Of course, there are many conclusions that suggest otherwise.
A urologist at Stanford University named Michael Eisenberg was quoted with saying that “the advice that marijuana will help with sexual issues is the opposite of what people once believed.”
We’re programmed into thinking that usage will lead to a lesser of a sexual function and control, with other studies delving into that marijuana lowers sperm quality, makes it harder to reach an orgasm, and even disrupts the menstrual cycle.

Contrary to the long term notions mentioned above, there is no shortage of testimonials from people who claim that cannabis lubricant helps make an orgasm last longer and that cannabis tampons can help alleviate pain from the period.
(Studies are underway on a variety of cannabis sex products – I’m very interested in hearing the results!)
There are some uncertainties as to these products and we aren’t exactly positive if cannabis can be taking credit for the successes in some cases. In one cited example, the weed lubes that were being sold and touted contained coconut oil, another lubricant with many benefits. Can we be sure that the coconut oil wasn’t the ingredient that deserved credit?
We know marijuana will make people relax – that’s something nobody will ever argue. Medical marijuana is frequently prescribed to women who have anxiety, low libidos, or trouble having an orgasm. Of course, there will always be that one person who gets super stoned and will most likely be able to concentrate on the task at hand.
Perhaps the most eye opening part of the report was the part about marijuana leading to more time having sex.
A study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine stated that data analyzed from the National Survey of Family Growth spanning 60,000 people found that people who used marijuana had more sex. Women who used it weekly had sex at a rate of 34% more often versus those who did not. The same study showed men who used marijuana had sex 22% more often compared to those who did not.
Of course, this data is self-reported and may not be 100% reliable, so take it with a grain of salt.
I’ll go on record that when I’m high, I’m in a better place mentally. It doesn’t matter if I’m using flour or vaping oils, my vision opens up. Weird stuff happens. I may be more sexually charged and the desire to try new things may become more intense. Perhaps this is experimental, perhaps this is just a desire that marijuana helps with. Call it what it is, but I like it.