The 420 Times originally started as a Los Angeles based magazine covering the marijuana industry.
With the changing times online, and a change of ownership, our media company decided to make the website the focal point of the business. The hard copy, printed magazine days are over and we feel we can reach more people with daily blogs than we could ever do hustling printed copies around just one state!
Our mission is simple: we aim to educate, enlighten, and entertain anyone looking for information on marijuana. We’ve also dedicated a lot of time to CBD education in addition to covering the ever-changing landscape of the marijuana laws as they change on a state by state basis every year.
Of course, we hope you enjoy our takes, tutorials, reviews and information. Please follow all state and federal laws when consuming or possessing marijuana and associated drugs.
If you ever have questions or want to send us media, please do so on this page.
Our Corporate Mailing Address:
The 420 Times Media
901 Pennsylvania Avenue
Suite 597
Miami Beach, FL
33139 USA
Office Line: 800-387-8132
Thanks for stopping by!