Over the past two decades, the scientific exploration of CBD (cannabidiol) as an analgesic or painkiller has yielded promising results.
While the research is still ongoing, it’s crucial to understand what we currently know about the potential use of CBD for pain relief.
CBD for Pain Relief
At present, there are no FDA-approved CBD-based medications explicitly designated as painkillers in the United States.
Notably, Epidiolex, primarily used for rare forms of epilepsy, stands as the sole CBD treatment sanctioned by the Food and Drug Administration.
Nevertheless, several countries, such as the U.K. and Canada, have granted approval for the use of hemp for pain relief and in addressing specific conditions, showcasing its diverse potential applications.
CBD’s Influence on Chronic Pain
Chronic pain, persisting for several months or longer, poses a significant challenge for many individuals. Studies, often involving CBD in conjunction with THC, demonstrate its effectiveness in alleviating chronic pain associated with various medical conditions.
Sativex, a spray combining equal parts CBD and THC, has exhibited noteworthy success as an analgesic, particularly in managing cancer-related pain. Furthermore, ongoing trials seek approval for its use in the U.S., extending its potential impact.
In 2019, a study identified Sativex as an “effective and well-tolerated add-on treatment” for individuals grappling with severe chronic pain resulting from diverse ailments (CBD for back pain and inflammation).
This research differentiated between nociceptive (affecting body tissue), neuropathic (affecting nerves), and mixed pain, revealing Sativex’s efficacy across these categories, particularly in combating neuropathic pain.
Earlier CBD chronic pain study also highlight CBD’s effectiveness in chronic pain relief, focusing on conditions like multiple sclerosis and spinal cord injury. While the sample size in these studies was smaller, the outcomes underscore the efficiency of CBD for muscle pain.
CBD’s Promise in Arthritis & Joint Pain Management
Arthritis, encompassing various joint-related conditions, is characterized by symptoms like swelling, pain, and stiffness in the joints.
While CBD back pain study has demonstrated its efficacy as an analgesic for conditions like muscle pain, its potential as an anti-inflammatory agent holds promise for arthritis treatment. Clinical research dedicated to CBD’s role in arthritis is still evolving, but initial findings are encouraging.
A pivotal controlled trial in 2006 centered on rheumatoid arthritis patients revealed that CBD significantly improved participants’ pain during movement, pain at rest, and quality of sleep compared to a placebo.
Subsequent research in 2018 explored the effectiveness of CBD and THC oil for pain on participants with osteoarthritis-related knee pain.
While weekly pain levels saw modest improvements, specific parameters like worst pain scores exhibited significant enhancement in those using CBD compared to the placebo group.
Furthermore, a 2019 trial suggested that a combination of CBD and THC might be beneficial for individuals with fibromyalgia, a type of arthritis characterized by widespread pain and fatigue.
The study found that a CBD-THC solution, administered through inhalation, outperformed a placebo and either substance on its own.
CBD’s Impact on Neuropathic Pain
Neuropathic pain, stemming from conditions or injuries affecting nerves or the nervous system, manifests as various sensations, including tingling, numbness, and sharp, burning pain.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a common cause of neuropathic pain, and Sativex has already proven successful as an MS treatment.
A 2020 study delved into the topical administration of CBD oil as a treatment for patients with peripheral neuropathy, resulting in reduced intense pain, sharp pain, and sensations like cold and itchiness compared to a placebo.
Other Uses of CBD
CBD isn’t limited to just pain relief CBD; it boasts a range of potential applications and promising possibilities. Some of these include assisting individuals in quitting smoking, aiding in managing drug withdrawal, CBD for back spasms, treating seizures, addressing anxiety, reducing certain effects of Alzheimer’s disease, mitigating antipsychotic effects for patients with schizophrenia, and potentially playing a role in combating type 1 diabetes and cancer in the future.
As the scientific community continues to explore the multifaceted applications of CBD, its potential in providing relief for various types of pain becomes increasingly evident.
While further research is essential to solidify these findings, the current body of evidence suggests that CBD is showing promise as a versatile tool for managing pain.