Right now, in the cannabis world, a lot of cannabis strains have emerged, making it tricky for customers to choose the best seeds. Every marijuana cultivator or consumer aims to get the perfect source that suits their taste. Every consumer should realize that various weed strains hold different features. Once you’re well familiarized with the different strains, you can comfortably choose the perfect seed that complements your needs.
To help you make the best decision when picking a cannabis seed, we’ve come up with factors you should consider before you purchase seeds. Read this piece till the end, and once you go shopping for seeds, you will make a well-informed decision.
What to Look For
THC, which stands for Tetrahydrocannabinol, is the leading natural psychoactive element in cannabis that produces a high sensation. The heightened feeling is achieved from smoking or vaping cannabis. As you go to your local store to purchase seeds, the THC portion is well explained.
Although the seeds do not contain THC, every strain has been created to produce a plant that has a certain level of THC. Suppose you’re lucky enough to be a citizen of a country where marijuana consumption is legalized. In that case, you can cultivate several different pressures and find out the different levels of THC from each seed. If you’re not among the lucky ones, you will need to use a seed of your choice and be patient enough to see the degree of THC in the final product.
Strain Groups
You should consider the type of strain group to make sure the seed’s effect matches what you wanted. There are three major distinct groups which are Sativa, Indica, and Hybrid. Let’s briefly discuss them:
- Indica.
Indica cannabis seeds produce marijuana that is perfect for offering a tranquilizing and calming effect. After smoking or vaping an Indica strain, common effects include feeling euphoric, relaxed, happy, and sleepy. That is why Indicas are referred to as “nighttime strains.”
So, if you’d want to relax and unwind, you can opt to purchase and grow Indica seeds.
- Sativa.
Sativa is the opposite of Indica. Sativa marijuana strains uplift your moods and give you a high feeling.
This strain type is also known to relieve anxiety and stress. Once you use Sativa-dominant strains, chances are you’ll be creative and productive. If you want to relax and chill, the Sativa strain seeds are not ideal for you, but they would be perfect to vape or smoke before a party, hike, social endeavors, and creative projects.
- Hybrid.
Hybrid strain seeds result from a combination of the Sativa and Indica strains. However, pay extra attention to the distribution of ratios between Sativa and Indica genetics. In some cases, you may find some hybrid strains made up of 30% Sativa and 70% Indica, which are known as Indica-dominant hybrids. The Indica-dominant combination will most likely induce a relaxing and sleepy effect, but the Sativa effect balances out the ordeal. This same rule applies to the other genetic ratios.
Seed Type
When picking a cannabis seed, considering which type of seed you want is paramount. There are three distinct varieties of cannabis seeds which include regular, feminized, and auto-flowering. Let’s briskly discuss them:
- Feminized.
Feminized seeds sprout into female cannabis plants that give rise to the desired bud or flower.
In some cases, the female cannabis mother plant may begin to experience stress due to lack of access to a male plant or excess U.V. light. Due to the stressing, the plant produces pollen, which fertilizes the female flowers of the very same cannabis mother plant. This whole process where the female fertilizes itself is known as self-pollination.
Cannabis professionals and farmers prefer the feminized type of seed since they sprout to produce only females. Females give rise to resin-rich buds, which are every farmer’s choice.
- Regular.
Regular seeds grow into either male or female plants. To produce the regular seeds, the female plant is hand-pollinated with pollen from the male plant. Although the regular seed has lost its fame, some breeders still swear it, claiming it produces the best results.
The good thing about regular seeds is that they are cheap and can be found in combinations like Indica-dominant or Sativa-dominant.
- Auto-flowering.
If you’re a newbie to cannabis cultivation, the auto-flowering seed type would be a perfect choice for you. Unlike feminized and regular seed varieties, auto-flowering seeds can survive in any light cycle. For indoor growers, you don’t need to keep changing the light cycle.More so, auto-flowers grow over a short time. The seeds mature in half the time it takes for other seed types.
You can find any of the cannabis seeds we’ve discussed above at Zamnesia. It’s essential to pick the best seed, and Zamnesia’s extensive range includes more than 3000 distinct cannabis seeds from all the best cannabis seed banks such as Greenhouse Seeds, Sensi Seeds, Sweet Seeds, and Royal Queen Seeds.
Recreational or Medical Cannabis.
Apart from vaping cannabis to have fun, many people are now using it as a solution to some health problems. Some chemicals found in marijuana plants are known to treat diseases. Some of these diseases and conditions include:
- Alzheimer’s disease.
- Cancer.
- Epilepsy.
- Muscle spasms.
- Glaucoma.
- Seizures.
- Pain.
- Appetite loss.
- Mental health problems like posttraumatic stress disorder and schizophrenia.
For medical purposes, aim at picking a cannabis seed that will produce strains with adequate CBD (cannabidiol) with a light THC concentration. Below is a list of medicinal cannabis seeds you can consider purchasing:
- Crown Royale seeds.
- Cannatonic seeds.
- L.A Confidential seeds.
- C.B. Dream seeds.
- Hash plant seeds.
- BlackJack seeds.
- Orange bud seeds
- Blackberry Kush seeds.
For recreational purposes, try Girl Scout Cookies, Gorilla Glue, or Amnesia Haze-three popular and dynamic strains.
Now that we have discussed the tips you can consider when picking a seed; you can make a well-informed decision. It is recommended you do your homework and research other practical tips. Before you start growing seeds, check with the local laws on marijuana consumption.