Most pipe smokers are very familiar with the burning sensation in the back of their throat from hot unfiltered smoke and especially that hot cherry and the end of the smoking session ready tofly and burn your tongue and throat. Smoke harshness can kill the vibe for sure.
One US company has decided to put an end to unfiltered smoke, eliminating smoke harshness.
Meet WEEDGETS – a very innovative Miami based group that working very hard to better protect smokers from unwanted toxic resin and tar. They introduced resin and tar catching washable Filter Tips for joints, pre-rolled cones, one-hitters and any glass pipes that quickly gained popularity and respect among smokers. Now you are able to get cleaner, cooler and much safer inhalations. Just look at the image below showing the difference in smoke you inhale in your lungs with just one joint with and without our Filter Tips.
These amazing Filter Tips also prevent tar smell on fingers and girls love them as they also protect long nails from stains and when sharing the smokes, you can use your own Filter Tip to prevent germs spreading.
Inspired by initial success Weedgets continued the development of new products with the sole goal to make smoking much safer for the users. Weedget’s flagship product is MAZE-X pipe ( is now making big waves in the cannabis space. Maze-X pipe is the only pipe on the market that filters and lowers the temperature of the smoke before you inhale it.
Imaging smoking the pipe and it feels like you are inhaling air. Maze-X pipe is designed for slow gentle inhales for people who want to enjoy more and cough less. The explanation for this magic is simple, the smoke travels through a very elaborate long maze constantly changing the direction. As the smoke travels travels its loosing heavier resin particles and cools it at the same time. You must watch this video to see more features:
All important aspects of smoking the pipes was taking into consideration including the pipe cleaning. Simply disassemble the parts and drop them in ziplock bag, add degreasing dish soap and let it soak for 30 min to few hours. Rinse and enjoy.
There’s is nothing more important for a human than his/ her own health. This MAZE-X pipe is simply designed to make our smoking much safer through filtration and smoke temperature reduction. Treat this pipe right and its destined to become your best friend, your protector and your guide to extreme pleasure and vibe. We were able to get you this 20%OFF code: 420TIMES for all purchases at
What are people saying about the Maze-X Pipe?
There are hundreds of reviews we found from actual customers all over the internet through various sites and google reviews, here are just few of these:
Alex N.
Phenomenal pipe
Fantastic pipe. Been smoking for years out of a little glass spoon. Very harsh hits and lungs didn’t feel too great. I was looking for a pipe that could deliver smoother hits. After the first day of using the maze X my lungs felt WAY better. Been using for about a week now and I feel way healthier, and lungs feel so much better than they used to. Exactly what I was looking for. Great costumer service as well. If you smoke anything get this pip
Thomas G.
**** Pipe bliss
This pipe is World Class excellence! The best **** pipe on the planet. Maze X design is brilliant, the rubber material is durable and easy to clean. A high grade metal cover that comes in various colors is available. I would recommend more creativity on the metal cover to give a distinctive look worthy of the pipe design. But this in no way detracts from the pipes quality. The container that the pipe comes in is a quality cleaner! You put the pipe in the plastic container with alcohol, shake and bingo you’re done. There is a replacement mouth piece and an attached bowl cover to prevent burning. The cover can be attached to the bottom of the pipe. A glass bowl removes easily. Maze X comes in Apple quality boxing. Maze X is like having a friend you can’t leave behind. For anyone looking for their last **** pipe I highly recommend Maze X. You can’t go wrong. Can you tell I’m in love – lol.
David D.
The Best!
This is by far my go to pipe! I have had the Maze-X for a few months now and love everything about it. You can cap right after a hit to help maintain privacy as well as save product! Easy to clean glass cups, I poke the holes with a tooth pick after each use.I really appreciate the cool hits that don’t burn my throat, and don’t start me coughing sparking my asthma! The whole pipe cleans easily in its own case with a bit of alcohol. If you are hesitating, don’t! Oh, and did I forget to mention you can take the mouthpiece “filter tip” off and use it as a filter on pre-rolls and joints?? You might want to order extras! 😉